Leticia (Letty) Cardozo is a Full Time professional real estate with EXIT REALTY PRIMER ELITE and has been a realtor since 1987.
Leticia (Letty) has lived in for Florida over 60 years. From the first time you meet Leticia (Letty), you will feel at ease with her professional and personable working style and confident in her ability to represent your best interest throughout the Real Estate Transaction.
She continually upgrades her education and knowledge. She is proud to say her hard work diligence has brought her personal growth to a level of personal fulfillment, faithfulness, courage, and loyalty.
Working in Broward and West Palm Beach County as a listing expert, whether your home is in the $70,000 price range or the million-dollar price range, Leticia (Letty) has the experience to market your home for a quick sale. Her knowledge of real estate allows her to stand out in the industry.